Grow. Live. Thrive.

Welcome to the MN Therapies Grow. Live. Thrive. (G.L.T.) Blog. We hope this will be a resource for clients and clinicians alike to learn, share, and be uplifted, while also getting to know us, our approach, and our values. Here’s a bit more about what Grow. Live. Thrive. means to us.

Grow: We believe growth is constant cycle in the human experience. We are not the same person today, as we will be tomorrow; our knowledge, our understandings, are always expanding and influencing us in different ways. Growth is not a destination where you finally arrive; it's a journey that is perpetually unfolding. We hope that this blog is a space to consider different perspectives, new to approaches to challenges, and opportunities to strengthen your ability to adapt.

Live: The definition of ‘live’ is where you make one’s home. In our work, we encourage people to consider all the different aspects of “home;” whether that is the space you inhabit, the people surrounding you, the communities you interact, or the broader sense of who you are in your body, we want to help you define what living is for you.

Thrive: Creating a life worth living is a central theme in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and in our approach. Everyone has different values, interests, and goals that We hope this space can be one of uplift, delight, and encouragement so you can be proud of the person you are, share your gifts, and feel more connected, and experience more joy in the everyday.

Want to learn more about working with the amazing therapists on our team? Contact us today!


Duck, Duck, Goose